
17 Reasons you’re a TERRIBLE Negotiator

At one time or another in our lives we had to do some form of negotiating.

Whether you’re an investment bank CEO, insurance salesman or simply trying to buy something, negotiation skills are the key to getting what you want for what you want.

The problem is, not many people can negotiate effectively and they often either get the short end of the stick or are completely ripped off without even knowing it.

My guess is you’re probably one of these people. Why?

How to Be More Social… With Everyone

Though a nine hour debate with your closest friends about Kirk vs Picard can be extremely exciting and fulfilling, it doesn't doesn't do much to expand your social circle.

What about getting to know other types of people?

How awesome would it be to have the social skills of the likes of Van Wilder, Hitch or Dwight Stifler?

Life would be epic, wouldn’t it?

When you walk into a room, everyone knows who you are and is dying to talk to you.

You throw the type of parties that people love and want to attend.

You know everyone, so you get invited to major events and get a lot of extra perks.

So how do you get there? It’s actually easier than you think. But it does take one very important thing on your part. That’s getting out of your comfort zone. After all, you’re usually there and how’s that working for you?

My guess is probably not as well as you want.

The Beginner's Guide To Grabbing Life By The Balls

About four years ago, I made a decision that probably changed my life.

 I was 15, doing horribly in school (a C if I got lucky), shy, had no girlfriend and generally lived a mediocre, uninteresting life. I never took risks and never achieved anything. After all, if you don’t try then you can’t fail right? I could honestly say that the highlights back then were things like finishing a video game before my friends or rocking the latest shiny gadget.

That’s not to say I don’t still enjoy these things (Geek for Life!) I just realized that I wasn’t living up to my full potential. I was letting opportunities pass me by and when I thought about my future, I saw myself in a dead-end job with no real achievements I can be proud of. In short, I was not living, I merely existed.

Of course it took being told that I missed my chance with a girl I had a crush on who by some miracle liked me back. Kind of surprising what things can motivate you. It sort of forced me to re-examine where my life was heading.

I became determined to grab life by the balls, even if it killed me and you can too (well... except for getting killed part.)

Getting Started

Before you continue reading, you have to be sure that this is what you want. The things you are going to have to do will take you out of your comfort zone and allow you to experience most of what life has to offer.

So be warned. This guide can and will increase your awesome levels by over 1000% if you actually take action!

Enough of that… Let’s get down to business.